Sunday, July 7, 2013

Wild West 7/7/2013

Erick, Oklahoma is the first town you see going west on Route 66 that has the beginnings of the old Wild West look, with its saloon-style buildings and sun-baked streets. The downtown area is virtually abandoned, except for a small grocery store. There is also a building that locals told me helped inspire some of the themes and characters in the Cars movie -- The City Meat Market is still an attraction for Route 66 visitors, with all of the old signs and paintings plastered on every part of the building. That's where I ran into Holger, Martina, and Tabea Bleckert from Hamburg, Germany...they are also traveling Route 66 from Chicago to L.A., and actually stayed at our same hotel in Springfield, Missouri back on July 4th. I have been fortunate to meet so many wonderful people like the Bleckerts on my Route 66 journey so far!

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